
How should I prepare for a Bowen session? 

Avoid other treatments for about four days prior to your session, to maximize the effectiveness of Bowen Therapy.

How should I dress?

Wear loose light-weight clothes such as shorts and a t-shirt or loose PJ type pants with some give and elasticity.

What to expect during a Bowen session?

During the first visit we will do a full intake of your health, as well as muscle restriction testing, postural assessment, and a first Bowen session.

There are frequent two minute breaks between sets of moves, during which I leave the room, to allow the body time to begin responding to the work. A deep sense of relaxation may be felt as the body shifts toward the parasympathetic nervous system of ‘rest and digest.’

What should I do afterward to get the most benefit?

Drink lots of water to help flush out any toxins. Incorporate some gentle movement like walking. Try to avoid vigorous activity on the day of your appointment. Avoid other touch-based modalities for four days after your appointment to maximize the effectiveness of your session.

How many sessions do you recommend? 

This will depend on a number of factors, including whether your issue is more chronic or acute, and can range from a few sessions to a few months.

How do you accept payment? 

E-transfer, cash, or cheque.

If you have any other questions, please get in touch.